Saturday, March 16, 2013

Saint Patrick's Day (tomorrow)

Tomorrow is a big day around here.  Today is too for that matter.  Patrick is coming home!!  Moira too!  Moira arrived early this morning, and so we will all be here for Saint Patrick's day!  We are going to need to do some cooking, which means we will need to do some shopping.  I'm pretty excited about it all.

Here are a few recipes of interest:
Irish Colcannon
Roasted Vegetable Lamb Irish Stew
Irish Soda Bread
Vegetarian Mushroom and Barley Irish Stew

It's so nice to have the energy of the whole family together.  It's even more special, now that we have kids who don't always live here.  Absence makes the heart grow fonder.  :-)

Time for some Irish music too.  Chieftains, U2.  Who else? 


  1. Happy St. Patrick's Day, Tim! We've had Irish music blasting all morning- one of our favorite holidays, coming from John's family of 10 kids. Have a great time with your kids around.

  2. :-) Thanks Lori! Same to you! Slainte as we say. My family is a meer 5 kids, but I get the gist of it. Do you have any Irish favorites? Do you play classic or more contemporary? I hope your daughter and everyone are well, cheers to the fam.

    I LOVE YOUR BLOG!!!!!!
    stay tru 2 ur hart
